(A revamp of Ejagham Heritage)
Conscious of the need to foster unity and solidarity among the Ejagham Njemaya people, ENDA was conceived in Yaounde, through the initiative of Chief Dr NDUM Fidelis NKOM, and lunched in Kumba under the chairmanship of Chief ITA Emmanuel (of blessed memory) on 23 January 1988.

Despite the noble objective, the association has seen its high and low points since creation. In a dramatic comeback after a period of recession, the ENDA election of 5th August 2023 ushered in a new generation of leadership with youthful exuberance. Hopes are once again raised as many see in this leadership the enthusiasm that would revamp the vision and mission of ENDA as propagated by the founding fathers.
Shortly after the election, the EXCO went to work, setting up committees as stipulated by the constitution. These are as follows:
- The Cultural Committee;
- The Community Development Committee;
- The Project Investment Committee; and
- The Education Committee.
These committees are ostensibly at work, I would imagine. However, let’s zoom at the Cultural Committee where I am charged with coordination.
So far, the Cultural Committee has succeeded to establish a 3 day’s enlarged program for the cultural festival, come December 2024. This was adopted by the ENDA EXCO and published on the ENDA forum for further observations and approval. The theme of the cultural festival to read: PROMOTING CULTURAL INCLUSIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY.
The association moved swiftly to lunch a competition for the festival Logo. Two of them where particularly outstanding however, after a microscopic examination by the jury, that of Nta NDUM Clinton ORU, an illustrious son of Eyumojock town was retained. This logo was displayed on social media to the admiration of all.

The Cultural Committee then presented a list of all Ejagham Njemaya villages alongside Ejagham dances. Each village has been advised to choose a dance(s) they wish to present. The emphasis is that the chosen dance(s) should be based on the competency of the village to display the originality of the dance in question; taking into consideration aspects such as: regalia, music, dance and all other rituals associated with the dance. This is because, beyond the entertainment value, we intend for each dance to convey all other didactic aspects through which we, and especially the younger generation can learn and preserve.
The Cultural Committee is taking this opportunity to invite all bona fide Ejagham sons and daughters all over the world with expert knowledge on cultural festivals and members of the ENDA, not to hesitate to draw our attention where and when they see it necessary.
By: Nta OJAGE Raphael AYUK (PhD)
Nta OJAGE Raphael AYUK (PhD) Cultural Secretary
*Njagham, se “ayip ajen-ating, atan mbah”