- Akang (Salt)
- Isu isasu (Pepper)
- Oking
- Obib (Mushroom)
- Otasi
- Ochid inonon
- Nsebe amighe
- Ikang
- Orim
- Oyork
- Ekuk
- Inire era
- Etok
- Nsing (Bush mango)
- Ibaba
- Nfughi Erem
- Osan/Nkon (Melon)
- Nsobeyang – roots for soup (spices)
- Eyabikena – roots for soup (spices)
- Eyabikena – roots for soup (spices)
Oils – Aku
- Aku nfor – (Java seed oil)
- Aku nyore
- Aku abhi (Palm oil)
- Aku okon (Honey)
- Aku ifit (Groundnut oil)
- Egome/Plantain (see types of plantain below)
- Mbrihmbengeh
- Ndomeh
- Itibanghe
- Mgbageh
- Mgbaghe itibanghe
- Nkpeandep Mgbaghe
- Akaba-akua
- Mbih
- Ebareh
- Eyageh
- Iseng
- Isoti
- Nkpeandep Ebhare
- Eyu/Yam
- Mbid/cocoyam
- Mbid eka – normally used to prepare mbid afu
- Mbid arek
- Mbid animbo – normally used to prepare orang
- Eyu-ekae/Water yam
- Ekpere/Wild yam
- Iyuu/Sweet potato
- Iwa/Cassava
- Eresi/Rice
- Egome/Plantain (see types of plantain below)
Leaves – Aje
- Aje ayip (Water leaves)
- Aje mfae (Greens)
- Aje ochu (Bitter leaves)
- Ochuu Aya – only on the water side, not as bitter as bitter leaves
- Aje ntung anwa – leave for soup
- Aje orim
- Aje erem
- Aje nsebe (hot leaves)
- Aje chora chora (a brand of nsebe – small leaves)
- Aje ekumangku
- Aje iyinghi
- Aje mfuni
- Aje mfae
- Oche
- Oche ayip
- Oche ngun
- Oche ajonghe
- Nkor (Snail)
- Nyamenkok (Chicken meat)
- Nyametim (Bush meat)
- Nyamemfong (Cow meat)
- Nyamembui (Goat meat)
- Ngu nyamefong (Cow skin)
- Osi onah (Fresh fish)
- Ayumi osi (Smoked fish)
- Akuma arok (Lobsters)
- Echancha (Prawns)
- Oche